Friday, April 15, 2011

New Friday Feature!

From now on Friday's will be all about blog swapping. Another great way to gain exposure for my readers. Do you blog? Would you like to swap with me? Basically we feature information about each others blogs within our own! I am featured on my featured bloggers page today as well! Head on over and check the Little Snugglies Feature of the Day!

First up today is all about the Little Boys are Made of Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails blog. This is a wonderful blog where creator  Stacey helps out other bloggers with blog swaps, shares parenting advice and more! Read on and please check out her blog and tell her Three Little Crochet hooks sent you!

From Stacey....
I'm 25.  WAHM - [Scentsy Consultant -].  Married to Jack [5/8/09].  Baby Samuel [we call him Sam - 10/26/10].  Dog mom to Hank and Sophie.  I breastfeed Sam.  I love coke-a-cola, high heels, summer, and photography.  I collect vintage cameras.  I have a Bachelor's degree in Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations.  I started a Bachelor's Degree in Photography at Watkins College of Art and Design in Nashville.  I have an Associate Degree in Art. I can't stand the sight of absolutely grosses me out.  Baby products I couldn't live without:  boppy, graco swing, fisher price vibrating chair, lansinoh breast milk storage bags, & Nuk orthodontic pacifiers.

About the blog.
Every day Stacey posts a new activity to do to connect with your baby. She also includes random family pictures in some of the posts.  She posts 0recipes that absolutely must be shared with the world [because they are soooo amazing]. She is also going to start posting baby food recipes in the coming weeks. I don't know about you but I love to save money and make my own anything, baby food included!

Why does Stacey Blog?
To connect with other moms and share ideas

Who does this blog appeal to?
parents [moms]

Find Stacey at all the places listed below! 

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