Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Favorite Cameras

I recently went out in search of a new camera. I have been taking pictures of my items on my iphone lately since my point and shoot nikon quit working and for the ease of uploading directly to the web. I knew the quality wasn't fabulous. After speaking to a few photog friends, I decided to purchase a Cannon Rebel Ti3. I am so in LOVE with this camera! Best business purchase I've made in awhile. I've been practicing with lighting and expsorue and snapped some great pictures of my new Owlie hat.

These are two of the pictures I snapped last night. I have had so many more hits to my Etsy website since posting these!

Little Purple Owl Hat

The Love Owl      

In another attempt to increase foot traffic I have began to work with a modeling agency to get some different shots of my hats on kids other than my own. I am excited to take pictures of my kids outdoors with the new camera in my creations as well.

My Etsy shop has had a bit of an overhaul as well. Check it out! Click here

What do you think of the photo quality! Looking forward to some comments!

Talk soon!

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